Prof. Dr. Erkut ATTAR Kimdir ?
Profesör Dr.
IVF Ünitesi Sorumlusu
Reprodüktif Endokrinoloji v Infertilite Bilim Dali
Kadin Hastaliklari ve Dogum Anabilim Dali
Istanbul Üniversitesi, Istanbul Tip Fakültesi
Dogum Tarihi: 11 Mart 1961
Dogum Yeri: Mucur
Medeni Durum: Evli
Yabanci Dili: Ingilizce
1991 Kadin Hastaliklari ve Dogum
2001 IVF Sertifikasi (Saglik Bakanligi)
1986 Istanbul Üniversitesi Cerrahpasa Tip Fakültesi
1974-77 Özel Sisli Lisesi
1977-79 Ege Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi
1979-86 Istanbul Üniversitesi Cerrahpasa Tip Fakültesi
2001 Doktora Ögrencisi
Moleküler Tip Anabilim Dali
Istanbul Üniversitesi, Saglik Bilimleri Enstitüsü
1995-99 Arastirma Görevlisi
Istanbul Üniversitesi Istanbul Tip Fakültesi
Kadin Hastaliklari ve Dogum Anabilim Dali
Reprodüktif Endokrinoloji ve Infertilite Bilim Dali
1993-95 Postdoctoral Fellow
Yale University School of Medicine
Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Division of Reproductive Endocrinology
New Haven, Connecticut
1992-93 Uzman Dr.
Zeynep Kamil Hastanesi
Kadin Hastaliklari ve Dogum Bölümü
Üsküdar, Istanbul
1987-92 Asistan
Zeynep Kamil Hastanesi
Kadin Hastaliklari ve Dogum Bölümü
Üsküdar, Istanbul
2005-2006 Misafir Ögretim Üyesi ve Ortak Arastirmaci
Division of
Reproductive Biology Research
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern
2001- IVF Ünitesi Sorumlusu
Reprodüktif Endokrinoloji v Infertilite Bilim Dali
Kadin Hastaliklari ve Dogum Anabilim Dali
Istanbul Üniversitsi, Istanbul Tip Fakültesi
2000- Doçent Dr.
Reprodüktif Endokrinoloji v Infertilite Bilim Dali
Kadin Hastaliklari ve Dogum Anabilim Dali
Istanbul Üniversitsi, Istanbul Tip Fakültesi
1992 Arastirma Görevlisi (Research Fellow)
The University of Connecticut Health Center
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Division of Perinathology
Connecticut, USA
1988 Onursal Arastirma Görevlisi (Honorary Research Fellow)
Aberdeen University Medical School
Department of Pathology
Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
2000 Misafir Ögretim Üyesi (Visiting Faculty)
Tel Aviv University
Sacler School of Medicine
Golda Campus, Hasharon Hospital
Beilinson Campus, Women Center
Petah Tikva, Israel
1986-1987 Iskilip Merkez Saglik Ocagi Sorumlusu
2000- Istanbul Tip Fakültesi Kadin Hastaliklari ve Dogum Anabilim Dali Döner Sermaye Sorumlusu
2000-2002 Istanbul Tip Fakültesi Kadin Hastaliklari ve Dogum Anabilim Dali 4.Yil Koordinatörü
2000- Istanbul Üniversitesi Sisli Saglik Yüksek Okulu
Ebe Okulu Sinif Koordinatörü
2002-2003 Istanbul Üniversitesi Sisli Saglik Yüksek Okulu
Ebe Okulu Sinif Koordinatörü
2002-2003 Istanbul Üniversitesi Fizik Tedavi ve Rehablitasyon Yüksek Okulu Egitmeni
2003 Istanbul Tip Fakültesi, Ögrenci Bilimsel Arastirma Kulübü,
Koodinasyon Kurulu Üyesi
1993 Edremit Asker Hastanesi
Kadin Hastaliklari ve Dogum Uzmani
1986 House Officer
General Surgery, Orthopaedics, Internal Medicine
Aberdeen University Medical School
Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Woodend General Hospital
1986-87 Pratisyen Hekim
Iskilip Merkez Saglik Ocagi (Zorunlu Hizmet)
Üye, Zeynep Kamil Tip Bülteni, Editörler Kurulu
Reviewer, Molecular Human Reproduction
Üye, Türk Fertilite Dergisi, Editörler Kurulu
Bölüm Editörü, Türk Androloji Dernegi Bülteni
Üye, Advances in Molecular Medicine, Editörler Kurulu
1994 Travel Award of American Society for Reproductive Immunology (ASRI)
14th Annual Meeting of ASRI
17-23 Haziran, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
1995 American Society for Reproductive Medicine Reproductive Immunology Special Interest Group Prize, 7-12 Ekim, Seattle, Washington
1994 Selected as International Chairperson
International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO), Uterin Physiology Session, Montreal, Canada, 1994
1998 Hipokrat Laboratuarlari Bilimsel Makale
Yarismasi 1. lik Ödülü
Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Kongresi, 19-23 Mayis 1999, Antalya, Bilimsel Çalisma Yarismasi 1.’lik ödülü
1999 Tübitak Bilim Adami Yetistirme Gurubu
Yurtdisi Etkinliklere Katilma Destegi
1999 Endometriosis Association
Newsletter, Appreciation for the
Turkish Translation of Yellow Brochure, Newsletter 19(5-6),1999
2002 American Society for Reproductive Medicine
Poster Prize, Ekim, Seattle, Washington
New York Academy of Science
American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM)
American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Reproductive Immunology Special Interest Group
European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE)
Türk Jinekoloji ve Obsterik Dernegi (TJOD)
Üreme Endokrinolojisi, Infertilite ve Yardimla Üreme Teknikleri Dernegi’nin ( TSRM )
Istanbul Ürojinekoloji Dernegi (Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi)
Türkiye Infertilite Vakfi
Istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi-Bilim Merkezi Vakfi
Moleküler Tip Dernegi
Kök Hücre ve Gen Tedavisi Dernegi
Cinsel Saglik ve Egitim Dernegi
Hekimler Hukuki Yardimlasma Dernegi
Oxygene, Oxford Endometriosis Gene Study
10. “EndometrIozIs fizyopatolojisinde yeni görüsler” Türk-Alman Jinekoloji Dernegi Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Kongresi, 19-23 Mayis 1999, Antalya, Türkiye
11. “ART ve Hasta seçimi “ Organon Fertilearn 1. Infertilite Kursu, 15-17 Ekim 1999, Istanbul
10-11 Kasim 1996 Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection: Bourn Hall Clinic, Bourn, Cambridge
TC. Saglik Bakanligi, Hacettepe ve John Hopkins Üniversiteleri Isbirligi ile düzenlenen
2-6 Aralik 1997 Klinik Egitim Becerileri Kursu
8-12 Aralik 1997 Klinik Becerilerin Standardizasyonu Kursu
1-10 Temmuz 1998 Fare Embriyolari Manuplasyonu ve Gen Transferi Teknikleri
Kursu: TUBITAK, MAM Gen Mühendisligi ve Biyoteknoloji
Arastirma Enstitüsü Transgen ve Deney Hayvanlari Laboratuari
16 Temmuz 1999 Türk Elektrpon Mikroskopi Dernegi 1998-1999 Egitim Yili Bilimsel Etkinlikleri
5-12 Ekim 2000 Istatistik ve Arastirma Yöneticiligi Kursu
Istanbul Universitesi, Sürekli Tip Egitimi Gurubu
7-9 June 2000 Flow Cytometry Kursu
Immunoloji Anabilim Dali
Istanbul Universitesi, Deneysel Tip Arastirma Enstitüsü
4-18 Aralik 2004 Ögrenimde Beyin Gelisiminin Önemi
Atölye Çalismasi-Çocuk Sagligi Klinigi
Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Prof. Aytaç Açikalin
March 2005 The UCSC Genome Browser Training
24 March 2005 CITI Basic Course in the Protection of Human research Subjects
9-10 Eylül 1996, Androloji ve Erkek Infertilitesi Sempozyumu: Organizasyon Komitesi Üyesi
2-5 Nisan 1997, Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Kongresi (FIGO Destegi ile): Organizasyon Komitesi Üyesi
10-12 Mart 1997, I. Ulusal Üojinekoloji Sempozyumu : Kongre Sekreteri
31 Agustos-11 Eylül 1998, Johns Hopkins Üreme Sagligi Uluslararasi Egitim Programi Kursu: Organizatör ve Egitimci
8-11 Haziran 1999, I. Ulusal Ürojinekoloji Sempozyumu : Kongre Sekreteri
11-13 Eylül, 2001, Kongre Öncesi Androloji Kursu, TJD Obstetrik ve Jinekeoloji Kongresi
7-9 Mayis, 2004, Istanbul, Klinik Pratikte Kök Hücre ve Gen Tedavisi (1st Ulusal Toplanti)
2 Haziran 2004 Istanbul Tip Fakültesi 1. Jinekolojide Yenilikler Sempozyumu
Infertilite Tani ve Tedavisi, IVF
Genel Obstertik ve Jinekolojik Sorunlarin Tani ve Tedavisi
Mouse IVF ve Oosit Handling (Johns Laboratory, YALE)
Hücre Kültür Teknikleri (Ör; endometrial, mezotelyal, tubal, myometrial, ovaryan hücreler) (Arici Laboratory, YALE)
Moleküler Biyoloji Teknikleri (Ör; Northern Analiz, ELISA, PCR, Thymidine-(H)3- Incorporation, Calorimetric Cell Proliferation Assay -MTT-, vs.) (Core Laboratory, YALE;
Istanbul Üniveristesi DTAE, Bulun Laboratory, Northwestern University)
Implantasyon Immunolojisi
Maternal-Fetal Yüzeyde ve Fallop Tüplerinde Cytokin Islevleri
Embriyo Gelisiminde Cytokin Islevleri
In-Vitro Tubal Hücre Büyüme ve Gelismesi
Endometriozis Patogenezi
Gen Transfeksiyonu
Growth Faktörler ve Sperm Fonksiyonlari
Insan Spermlerinin Periton Içi Uygulamalarda Antikor
Olusturma Özellikleri (Hayvan Deneyi, DETAM)
Amnion Sivisi Prolaktin Seviyeleri ve Fötal Akciger Gelisimi Arasindaki Iliskiler (Referans: John F. Rodis)
Ikizler Için Normal Gelisme Egrilerinin Olusturulmasi (Referans: A.M. Vintzileos)
Fötusun Durumunu Belirlemede Fötal Biofizik Aktivitelerin Rolü (Referans: A.M. Vintzileos)
Fötal Anomalilerin Ultrasonografi Ile Tanisi (Referans: A.M. Vintzileos)
Kitap ve Kitap Bölümleri
A. Uluslararasi Kitaplar
Attar E and Bulun SE: Endometriosis. In: The Endometrium: Molecular, Cellular and
Clinical Perspectives. Eds Aplin, Fazleabas, Glasser & Giudice, 2nd Edition, Taylor
Francis Books Ltd (in press)
Arici A and Attar E. : Endometrial Receptivity. In: IS. Turanli and KH Broer, eds. New Trends in Reproductive Medicine. Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 1996, pp 27-44
B. Ulusal Kitaplar
Attar E. Spermatogenez, erken embriyo gelisimi ve implantasyon. Reprodüktif endokrinoloji ve infertilite. Editör Umur Çolgar (baskida)
Attar E. Kök Hücre Biyolojisi, Reprodüktif endokrinoloji ve infertilite. Editör Umur Çolgar (baskida)
Attar E. “Implantation WIndow” The Uterus in ART, April 12-16 Antalya, Turkey. Supplement Book
Attar E. S Bulgurcuoglu, B. Özsait. Androloji el kitabi: editörler Attar E ve A Kadioglu, Istanbul Medikal yayincilik, Istanbul 2005
Attar E. Aile Planlamasi, Istanbul Tip fakültesi Kadin hastaliklari ve Dogum Anabilim Dali Jinekoloji Ders Kitabi 2004, s.303-308
Attar E. Polikistik Over Sendromu (PKOS), Istanbul Tip fakültesi Kadin hastaliklari ve Dogum Anabilim Dali Jinekoloji Ders Kitabi 2004, s. 285-288
Attar E. Hastalik Modeli Olarak Transgenik Fareler ve Kök Hücreler, Kalitsal Hastaliklara Moleküler Tip Açisindan Bakis Sempozyumu, 24-27 Eylül 2003, Supplement . s.167-179
Attar E. Jinekoloji Pratiginde Kök Hücre ve Gen Tedavisi 1. Ulusal Klinik Pratikte Kök Hücre ve Gen Tedavisi Kongresi, 7-9 Mayis, 2004, Istanbul, Supplement
Attar E. Kök Hücre Teknolojisi ve Gen Tedavisi. Ulusal Moleküler Biyoloji ve Kis Okulu, Supplement, 2004 s 36-47,
Attar E. Altered Cytokine Environment in Endometriosis” Artemis Supplement, 4(2) 2003, p.43
Attar E.: Endometriozis ve infertilite In: M Yildirim ve A Yildiz, eds. Turkish Infertility Foundation X. Congress of Infertility and Reproduction, Supplement, 2002, p. 129-131
E. Attar. Türkçe çeviri; “Gynecology:A Practical Approach”; Victor Gomel, Malcolm G. Munro, Timothy C. Rowe: Atlas Tip Kitabevi, Ankara, 1995.
E. Attar: Özetlenmis EKG Bilgisi, 2.Baski, Atlas Tip Kitabevi, Ankara, 1992 (1. Baski 1988).
Tez Yürütücüsü:
Korkut Aslan: Infertil kadinlarda follikül sivisi Vasküler Endotelyal Büyüme Faktörü [(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor- VEGF) ve interlökin-8 (IL-8) konsantrasyonlarinin follikül gelisimi ve invitro fertilizasyon sonuçlarina etkisi. Uzmanlik Tezi, Istanbul 2005. Istanbul Üniversitesi, Istanbul Tip Fakültesi Kadin Hastaliklari ve Dogum Anabilim Dali
Tez Yürütücüsü:
Burcu Kardas Aslan: Vasküler Endotelyal Büyüme Faktörünün [(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor - VEGF)] in vitro sperm motilite ve yasam süresi üzerine etkisi. Uzmanlik Tezi, Istanbul 2005. Istanbul Üniversitesi, Istanbul Tip Fakültesi Kadin Hastaliklari ve Dogum Anabilim Dali
E. Attar: Insan Spermlerinin Periton Içi Uygulamalarda Antikor Olusturma Yetisinin Bagisiklama ve Kisirlik Yönünden Irdelenmesi. Uzmanlik Tezi, Istanbul 1992. DETAM Proje No: 191191/68.
Liu S., E. Attar, A. Duleba: The Effect of Monocyte Conditioned Media on Proliferation of Endometrial Stromal Cells. Submitted to the Yale University School of Medicine in Partial Fulfillment of the Requrirements for the Degree of Doctor of Medicine, New Haven,1994.
Smith TD (Sponsored by A.Arici and E.Attar): Modulation of Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF) in Human Endometrium. Submitted to the Department of Biology, Yale School of Medicine, April 22, 1994
Bildiri Özetleri:
Attar E. V. Fenkci, M. B. Yilmaz, M. Demura, H. Utsunomiya, S. E. Bulun. Taurine Transporter (Taut), A Novel Target Of Sodium Butyrate In Supression Of Aromatase Expression In Stromal Cells Derived From Endometriosis. Accepted for presentation. ASRM 2006
Attar E, Yilmaz M, Innes J,
Utsunomiya H, Demura M, Bulun SE. Sodium Butyrate Is a
tissue Specific inhibitor of aromatase expression in
endometriosis. Society for Gynecologic
Investigation 53rd Annual
Scientific Meeting. Toronto Canada, 2006.
Attar E, Balçik P, Bulgurcuoglu S, Özsait B, Serdaroglu H, Hekim N. 56th The role of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) on sperm motility and survival. ASRM./CFAS 2005, October 15-19, Montreal Quebec, ,2005. P-139
Attar E, Iyibozkurt C, Bengisu E, Bulgurcuoglu S, Ozsait, B, Bilir A. The effect of cyclooxygenase (cox) enzyme blockers on the implantation and outgrowth rates of three dimentional endometriosis and endometrial cancer cells in vitro. European J of Obstetrics and Gyneclolgy and Reproductive Biology 123 (Suppl 1) S1-S66, 2005, 005
Baysoy A, Serdaroglu H, Jamal H, Karatekeli E, Attar E., Ozornek H. Letrozole versus human menopausal gonadotropin (hMG) in intrauterine insemination cycles. ESHRE 2005, Copenhagen, 0-OO7
Attar E, Bulgurcuoglu S, Genc S, Ozsait B, Serdaroglu H,. Bilir A, All-trans Retinoic Acid modulates IL-8 and MCP-1 expression in endometirum" 20th of Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), Berlin, Germany, 27-30 June 2004.
O Tuncalp, A Bulut, D. Aytan, Attar E. Gynexperience : A survey about the gynecological examition experiences of a group of international female medical students. XVII FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, November 4, Santiago, Chile, 2003. P-86
Attar E., S. Genc, S. Bulgurcuoglu, H. Serdaroglu, F. Gurdol, A. Bilir. The Effect of Nimesulid (A Selective COX-2 Blocker) on IL1-beta Protein Expression in Human Endometrial Cells in Culture. 58th Annual Meeting of American Society for Reproductive Medicine, October 12-17 2002, in Seattle, Washington, 2002. P-258
Genc S., Kendigelen S., Attar E., Bilir A. Angiogenesis in Endometrial Cancer: The effect of COX-2 Inhibition, 28th Meeting of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies, October 20-25, Istanbul, Turkey, October 2002
Attar E., Bilir A., Bulgurcuoglu S., Oncu F., Has R., Serdaroglu H: The effect of non steroiidal anti-inflammatory drugs on endometrial stromal cell proliferation. 56th Annual Meeting of American Society for Reproductive Medicine, October 21-25, in San Diego, California,2000. P-292
Akhan SE., Yildirim A., Attar E., Turfanda A. Unscarred uterine rupture after the induction of labor with misoprostol. XVI FIGO World Congress September 2000, Washington D.C., USA. P3.12.01
Bilir A., Attar E, Erkan M., Buyukoren A., Bengisu E: Acetaminophene Decreases Long Term Proliferative Activity of p 53 Mutant Human Epithelial Ovarian Cell Line (MD2774), but did not alter the cytotoxic effects of Paxitaxel (Taxol) and Carboplatin.10th International Congress on Anti-Cancer Treatment January 31st-February 3rd 2000, Paris France, P223
Attar E., Serdaroglu H., Oguz R., Ozsait B., Bulgurcuoglu S: The effect of hr- Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (hr-LIF) on Long Term Sperm Motility and Survival. Human Reproduction Vol.14 Abstract Book 1, June 1999. Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology and Annual Meeting of the Federation Française Pour l’Etude de la Reproduction, Tours, France, O-219, P121
Attar E., Akgül C., Dogan O., Serdaroglu H., Yildirim R: Protein Expression of Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF) in The Endometrium of Patients with Recurrent Prenancy Loss. Joint meeting of the 16th World Congress on Fertility and Sterility and the 54th Annual Meeting of American Society for Reproductive Medicine, IFFS’ 98, October 4-9, in San Fransisco, California,1998. Program Supplement, 0-163, p61
Akgül C., Attar E., Dogan O., Serdaroglu H., Yildirim R: Protein Expression of Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF) in The Decidual and Placental Tissue of Women with and without Spontaneous Abortion and Recurrent Pregnancy Loss. Joint meeting of the 16th World Congress on Fertility and Sterility and the 54th Annual Meeting of American Society for Reproductive Medicine, IFFS’ 98, October 4-9, in San Fransisco, California, 1998, P-1180, p490
Attar E., Keltz MD., Kliman HJ., Olive DL., Arici A: Establishment of Pure Monolayer Human Fallopian Tube Epithelial Cell Culture.15th World Congress on Fertility and Sterility, September 17-22, 1995, Montpellier, France, P.74.
Keltz MD., Attar E., Buradagunta S: Modulation of Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF) Expression and Protein Synthesis in the Human Endosalphinx. 51st Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, October 7-12, 1995, Seattle, WA, p.124.
Arici A., Attar E., Tazuke S., Oral E., Kliman HJ., Olive DL: Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-1 (MCP-1) in Human Peritoneal Fluid and Modulation of MCP-1 Expression in Human Mesothelial Cells. 51st Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, October 7-12, 1995, Seattle, WA, p.80.
Kliman HJ, Arici A., Olive Dl., Meaddough EL., Ahn KS, Comite F. and Attar E:: Endometrial Glandular Cells are Found Equally in the Peritoneal Fluids of Women With or Without Endometriosis Throughout the Menstrual Cycle. 51st Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, October 7-12, 1995, Seattle, WA, p.189.
Arici A., Attar E., Engin O., Smith TD., Olive DL: Expression of Leukemia Inhibitory Factor in Human Endometrium. 50th Annual Meeting of American Fertility Society, November 10, 1994, San Antonio, Texas.
Arici A., Tazuke S., Attar E., Kliman HJ., Olive DL: Interleukin-8 Concentration in Peritoneal Fluid and Modulation of Interleukin-8 Expression in Human Mesothelial Cells. 50th Annual Meeting of American Fertility Society, November 10, 1994, San Antonio, Texas.
Attar E. and Arici A: Regulation of Leukemia Inhibitory Factor in Human Endometrial Cells. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics (FIGO), 1994; 46(2):23.,
Arici A., Attar E., Olive DL: Modulation of Leukemia Inhibitory Factor Expression in Human Endometrial Stromal Cells by Growth Factors. 41st Annual Meeting of Society for Gynecologic Investigation, March 22-26, 1994, Chicago, Illinois, P.95.
Oral O., Attar E., Süer N., Tüfekçi C: Immunologic Studies in Patients with Pregnancy Induced Hypertansion. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) 1991;1: 49
Attar E., Kuyumcuoglu O., Ünal O., Demirci AF: Immunologic Basis of Premature Ovarian Failure.7. World Congress of Human Reproduction, June 26-31, 1990, 248.
Kuyumcuoglu U, Ünal O., Fiçicioglu C., Attar E: The Effect of Diabetes, Obezity,
Parity and Edema on Birth Weight. 7. World Congress of Human Reproduction, June 26-31, 1990, 248
Bulgurcuoglu S, Özsait B, Balcik Ercin P, Buyru F, Arslan K, Isbir T, Attar E. Evaluation of VEGF and IL-8 levels in follicular fluid of infertil woman. 1st congress of molecular medicine 16-19 April 2005 Istanbul. Advances in molecular medicine supplement volume 1, P007, April 2005.
Ata B, Özsait B, Bulgurcuoglu S, Baysal B, Sidal B, Serdaroglu H, Attar E. Serum homocysteine levels are not predictive of subsequent pregnancy after IVF/ICSI-ET. 1st congress of molecular medicine 16-19 April 2005 Istanbul. Advances in molecular medicine supplement volume 1, P008, April 2005.
Iyibozkurt C, Bilir A, Özsait B, Bulgurcuoglu S, Ercin P.B, Bengisu E, Attar E. In vitro evaluation of cyclooxygenase (COX) enzyme blokers on the implantation and outgrowth rates of endometrial cancers cells in three dimentional culture systems. 1st congress of molecular medicine 16-19 April 2005 Istanbul. Advances in molecular medicine supplement volume 1, P168, April 2005.
Bulgurcuoglu S, Ozsait B, Balçik P, Attar E, Embriyo kültüründe iki ardisik medyum serisinin karsilastirilmasi. Turkish Society for Reproductive Medicine (TSRM). 1st International Congress on Reproductive Medicine. 22-25, September, 2004, p54
Ozsait B, Attar E, Bulgurcuoglu S, Serdaroglu H, Balçik P, Kadioglu A. Spermatid enjeksiyonu sonrasinda fertilizasyon ve embriyo gelisimi. Turkish Society for Reproductive Medicine (TSRM). 1st International Congress on Reproductive Medicine. 22-25, September, 2004, p 15
Özsait B, Bulgurcuoðlu S, Balçik P, Attar E. Round spermatid enjeksiyonu sonrasinda fertilizasyon ve embriyo geliþimi. I. Ulusal Klinik Pratikte Kök Hücre ve Gen Tedavisi Kongresi, 7-9 Mayis 2004, Istanbul.
Attar E., Iyibozkurt C., Bengisu E. Bulgurcuoglu S., Ozsait B., Bilir A. The effect of cyclooxygenase (COX) enzyme blockers on the implantation and outgrowth rates of three dimentional endometriosis and endometrial cancer cells in vitro. V. Kongress der Deutsch-Türkischen Gynakologengesellschaft II. Internationaler Kongress für Reproduktionsmedizin. 16-20 May 2003, Antalya, Turkey. P.103
Ergun B.,. Buyru F., Iyibozkurt C., Kabakas M., Attar E.,. Zor embriyo transferi vakasinda vaginal mizoprositol ve takiben intravenöz magnezyum uygulamasi. V. Kongress der Deutsch-Türkischen Gynakologengesellschaft II. Internationaler Kongress für Reproduktionsmedizin. 16-20 May 2003, Antalya, Turkey. P.103
Attar E., Bulgurcuoglu S., Ozsait B., Topuz S., Yildirim M., Serdaroglu H.: The effect of follicular fluid concentrations of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in endometriosis cases on sperm survival and motility. 10th. Congress for Infertility and Reproduction, 26-29 October 2002, Ankara, Turkey.
Yalçin Ö., Isikoglu M., Attar E., Günay S., Ayyildiz H: Üriner inkontinansta hormon replasman tedavisinin etkileri. 1. Ulusal Ürojinekoloji Kongresi, Istanbul 8-11 Haziran 1999.
Attar E., Bengisu E., Bilir A., Aydin D. Insan Over Kanseri Hücrelerinde Strontium Fosfat ile p53 Tümör Supressor Gen Nakli. Türk-Alman Jinekoloji Denegi Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Kongresi, 19-23 Mayis 1999, Antalya, Türkiye, s.19
Gökdemirel S. Attar E., Serdaroglu H., Coskun A.: Dogal Aile Planlamasinda Billings Ovulasyon Metodu (BOM) ve Idrar LH Düzeyleri. 1. Ulusal Aile Planlamasi Kongresi 14-17 Nisan 1999, Ankara, Türkiye
Attar E., Vintzileos AM., Cantekin D., Ünlü R: Uyumlu Ikiz Gebeliklerde Intrauterin Fötal Gelisme. Zeynep Kamil Hastahanesi 10. Jinekopatoloji Kongresi, 26-28 Mayis, 1993, Istanbul, S.24.
Attar E., Vintzileos AM., Cantekin D: Erken Membran Rüptürü Olan Hastalarda Fötal Biyofizik Aktiviteler, Oligohidroamnioz ve Klinik Enfeksiyon Arasindaki Iliski. Zeynep Kamil Hastahanesi 10. Jinekopatoloji Kongresi, 26-28 Mayis, 1993, Istanbul, S.63.
Attar E., Cantekin D., Altug T., Büyükdevrim S: Insan Spermlerinin Periton Içi Uygulamalarda Antikor Olusturabilme Yetisinin Bagisiklama ve Kisirlik Yönünden Irdelenmesi. Zeynep Kamil Hastahanesi 10. Jinekopatoloji Kongresi, 26-28 Mayis, 1993, Istanbul, S.56.
Kuyumcuoglu U, Demirci AF., Ünal, Attar E: Tek Stürlü Modifiye Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz Operasyonu: 11 Olgu Analizi. Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresi, Mayis 27-30, 1990, Istanbul, s.90.
A Baysoy, H Serdaroglu, H Jamal, E Karatekeli, H Ozornek, Attar E: Letrozole versus human menopausal gonadotrophin in women undergoing intrauterine insemination. Reproductive BioMedicine Online 2006. Aug; 13(2): 208–212
Attar E and S.E. Bulun, Aromatase Inhibitors: The Next Generation of Therapeutics for Endometriosis? Fertility and Sterility, Fertil Steril. 2006 May;85(5):1307-18.
Attar E and S.E. Bulun, Use of Aromatase Inhibitors to Treat Endometriosis, Contemporary Ob/Gyn, In Press
Ata B, Ates U, Usta T, Attar E. Cervical Endometriosis, a Case Presenting With Intractable Spotting. Medscape General Medicine, April 7, 7(1), 2005.
Attar E. Endocrinology of Ectopic Pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am. 2004 Dec; 31(4):779-94,x
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Araştırmacı Yazar : Ünal KAYA